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 Supporting Our Community


Refuge Apostolic Church has a long, proud history of serving the community of Cleveland. Through the dedication of our leadership, pastors and volunteers, we are committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ, and are here to spread His message. We are open to worshippers of all ages and backgrounds, and strive to lead all who worship with us towards a deeper love for God.

History of
Refuge Apostolic Church


In the summer of 1988 Refuge Apostolic Church was founded as Cleveland United Pentecostal Church by Rev. Jim & Kathy Crain, where they served faithfully as Pastor for three years.  Following their departure, Rev. Mike & Anita Knebel served as Pastor.  Unfortunately, due to a devastating loss in their family they resigned after only six months.  It was at this time when Rev. Donald & Judy Bradley and their family moved from Missouri to serve as Pastor. After more than ten years serving the church and community, they felt God leading them to pursue other ministry opportunities.

After the departure of the Bradley family, Rev. David & Linda Short moved their family to Cleveland and served as Pastor for 15 years.  Rev. Short felt it was time to pass the torch to someone else due to declining health and it was at this time that Rev. Wayne & Lucy Young became Pastor and served for one year.  They resigned their pastorate to pursue missions work in the nation of Israel.  

For 30 years Cleveland and the surround area has been impacted by many great ministers.  Because of the sacrifice of these Men of God and their families there remains a One God, Apostolic Truth Church in the city of Cleveland.

January 2018 welcomed current Pastor Rev. Heath & Amy Rice and their three children, Wyatt, Sadie, and Trevor.  The day of their election the Church only had four members and was in danger of closing its doors.  On February 25, 2018, their first service as Pastor, they had 17 in attendance and they have continued to see God grow His Church.

In March of 2018 Pastor Rice felt led to change the name of the church from Cleveland UPC to Refuge Apostolic Church, due to the direction and vision the Lord had given him for the church.  RAC is a place of refuge and safety for everyone, no matter who you are or where you come from.  Refuge is a place for EVERYONE!

Under the Leadership and direction of Pastor & Sis. Rice the church has seen many miracles, signs and wonders.  Over the past three years Refuge Apostolic Church has seen 16 Baptized in Jesus’ Name and nine receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost!

In 2020, in the midst of a pandemic, we began to see God do many great things for the church.  Not only did the Lord keep us thru all the craziness of 2020, but He also did many miracles.  In October 2020 during our Children’s Revival with Handy Dandy & Sunflower (The Rimmer’s) we saw nine receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost among both children and adults – and this is just the beginning!!!  The following week the Lord begin to open up many doors, which led to some of the biggest miracles our church has seen so far.

During his first message, Pastor Rice told the congregation that the Lord was going to give the church a new building debt free.  In October 2020 a building came available on HWY 64 south of Cleveland, which was three times the size of their current building. We meet with the owner, looked over the land, and began to pray. In December 2020 the Lord moved on an individual to give the church a check that allowed us to purchase the property debt free and begin the remodeling process.  We are excited for the future of Refuge Apostolic Church and all that God has in store for His people.

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